If you are a busy high-achieving woman constantly faced with the challenge of balancing your demanding schedules with maintaining optimal nutrition. And now your find yourself with irregular eating habits, reliance on convenience foods, neglecting your nutrition and dealing with fatigue, mood swings, weight fluctuations, and digestive issues… cycle.
If you are a woman who just keeps going in circles, downing one venti coffee after the next , trying to figure out how to best feed your body so you can thrive mind, body and soul…
You have landed in the right place!
This is for you...
In this self-guided online 6-video course, you are invited to dive into understanding how to harness the power of your nutrition and unlock hormonal harmony.
My mission is to empower women to realize vibrant health and lead a life that reflects their deepest desires.
Why you may wonder?
Because I’ve been that woman lost in her health, lost in her soul, deeply desiring to live in alignment with the woman I was put on this planet to fully embody.
I struggled through anorexia in my late teens into my early 20s, depression, panic, and anxiety when the stress of making it all happen was all-consuming from round after round of burnout, living completely out of alignment with my truth.
I’ve been the high-achieving corporate woman from New York stuck in her masculine Superwoman who knew there was more…as a woman, in my health, in my soul, in my sensuality, in my ability to truly live out my desires.
I created Naturopathic Alchemy to honor women.… To honor the power of female hormonal health and cyclical living as much as to empower women to embrace and embody their divine feminine essence…where the true magic & healing force lies.
You have no idea what is going on with your body and it's time to stop ignoring the reality that something is up.
Living on an emotional and energetic rollercoaster that comes with erratic eating and blood sugar crashes?
Worried about the long-term impact of hormonal imbalances on your overall health, fertility, and quality of life, leaving you seeking sustainable nutrition strategies for hormonal harmony
ConstantLY searching for how to best feed your body to feel energetic, vibrant and able to manage all your daily demands.
a bit of humor, exploration and play
the joy of embracing change
intention and patience
a dose of grace
Rising testosterone makes for the most fiery phase of your cycle! You will discover why this time of the month is so impactful for your physical well-being, reproductive health, and professional goals.
During the follicular phase, increasing estrogen levels bolster creativity and mental acuity, serving as a cornerstone of this phase. In this module, discover the hormonal dynamics at play and harness their power to enhance productivity during this period.
An introductory module to explore the phases of the female cycle and their effects on your daily life, including energy levels, productivity, sexual desire, and beyond.
Intermittent fasting is an age old practice however for women how you go about fasting will either hurt your hormones or support hormonal health. Understanding that women are not little men is key when delving into the world of intermittent fasting.
As both estrogen and progesterone drop off menses is the most disliked yet intuitive phase because well you are bleeding! Learn how to embrace, honor and utilize your menses to support you!
As progesterone levels rise, they imbue a distinct, more internal personality to the second phase of your cycle. In this Module you will learn the unique personality, energy, and hormonal dynamics of your luteal phase.
Often disputed this approach provides valuable insight into what your body needs to thrive. You will learn about the three different body types, specific strategies for each and the hormonal implications for each body type.
Metabolism is much more than just what your body is able to burn or how many calories you can consume to gain or loose weight. In this module you will understand what your metabolism is truly indicating and how it responds to stress & hormonal imbalance.
A 55 page E-Book with companion food journal to help you learn how your nutrition correlates with some of the most important biomarkers of your health: sleep, bowel movements, hunger, cravings, energy. Your body is always speaking to you through these biomarkers and your e-book and journal will clear the confusion and get clear on what you need.
begin to honor your body by nourishing it and nurturing it with your nutrition
Harness the food journal guide to gain clarity & connections to Your sleep, gut health and more
implement female based intermittment fasting Effectively
Understand how to use nutrition to Optimize your menstrual cycle
Begin making empowered nutrition choices